I'm really not thrilled. But my mom told me to "sit and stay" pfff!

The kid started to growing on me, as we started to drive...and I've got to give him credit, he respected his elder, he earned his right to be close to me.

Then he felt like it was OK to let me know I had something hanging out of my mouth, this tiny little voice said, "Excuse me sir? I hate to bother you, but you've got something hanging from your lip"...we're not there yet kid. Hasn't anyone ever seen a flogger before!?

When I said he was growing on me. I meant it literally:

This is me, performing mental telepathy. I'm telling my mom how AWESOME and tolerant I'm being so that I can move her hand to the treat bag for a well deserved cookie

Someday, that pillows going to be too small for him. He doesn't even know it! Enjoy your flat Stanley days while you got em kid! Before you know it you won't be able to fit under the table!

Me and Rigsby. By the way, we're full cousins even though we're legally brothers. Good looks run in the family.

Family Portrait

Riggs and MY papa. They're madly in love. It makes me want to toss my kibble.

Rigsby's first sunrise (after we spent the night in a rest stop and EVERYONE had to come into the back to sleep with ME! on MY bed (I'm a little grumpy about it)

And people. It's not just me I'm worried about...this does not bode well for the dogs of war:

I have to admit. His belly is really cute. Obligatory puppy belly shot:

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